Programmer Upskilling for Space Technology 

UKSEDS Conference 2024, University of Bristol

Python Programming: Project-based Learning Tutorial

Model Rocketry & Aircraft Optimisation and Satellite Predictive AI Simulations 

Sunday 3rd March 13:55 - 15:25

Join us for a session delving into Python machine learning AI automation trends, focusing on Earth satellite data and optimising model aircraft and rocketry simulations. We'll examine practical applications with Python GPkit for UAV research drone design, Python OpenCV for environmental aerial image recognition, Python RocketPy for designing model rockets and simulating 3D trajectories, Python SciKit-Learn for Earth data predictive machine learning and Python Qiskit for simulation of quantum machine learning enhanced classification. Our concluding roundtable discussion will explore the question: "Could Quantum Machine Learning Enhance Rocketry AI?" Discover how cutting-edge technologies could shape the future of aerospace engineering.

UKSED Student Conference session participation details are found here

Programmer Upskillng for Space Technology

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